Growing up in a church that focuses on missions, I have been immersed in missionary stories and global partnerships since I was little. Every year our church has a missions festival with activities, missionary speakers and inspiring stories. When I was about 12 years old, God really spoke to me at one of these speakers. I remember coming home and starting to bawl. I knew God was calling me to missions.
The summer after my 8th grade year, I was given the opportunity to go to Mexico with my church youth group. I jumped on the chance, and was soon sitting in 105 degree temperature teaching VBS. It was a great experience, and probably the beginning of my authentic relationship with Jesus. I got my feet wet, but I wasn’t entirely focused on missions. Although it was a great serving experience, I was still lacking in the passion necessary to serve Christ wholeheartedly.
Although I felt the calling 4 years ago, I got distracted. I involved myself in missionary work through my church, but I decided that I didn’t really want to be a missionary. I changed my course of direction to interior design and was even seriously looking into some design colleges. One day while I was browsing my list of schools, it hit me. This wasn’t my calling! I love art, but that’s not what I was meant to do. Slowly, I crossed every school off of my list and listened to God’s guidance. God pounded missions into my head, until all I could do was surrender.
Last summer, I was looking forward to go out of the country to serve on a mission trip with my church, when our youth director announced that we were going to instead do an Urban Plunge. I was disappointed, but decided to do it anyways. Basically, we went to the poor parts of our town and lived and served there for three days straight. I learned so much from this trip. It showed me how you can serve in your city and how much physical and spiritual need there is in our everyday society.
A couple months after Urban Plunge, our church sponsored their annual Global Summit missions festival. At this time, I was beginning to entertain the thought of full-time missions. I listened intently to several missionary speakers and went to an amazing worship night. We were all handed blow up globes to represent our mission. For some reason, I felt a distinct call to Bolivia. I knew nothing about the country, the people, or the need for Christ. I prayed for Bolivia, but I did not see any opportunity to go there.
I knew I wanted to go to another country this summer. I was ecstatic about the chance of my youth group finally going on a trip. When our youth pastor announced another urban plunge, I knew it was time to step out of my box and let God lead me. I was gifted with two amazing friends who felt the same calling to missions. My friends were led to this site, and immediately began praying about it. I glanced around when they suggested, but didn’t see any that caught my eye.
I discovered a trip to Guatamala through my church and planned on going. When I was about to send in my application, it was announced that the trip was full. I was disappointed, but saw an opportunity to possibly go to Ukraine. When God shut this door, I got very frustrated. By then, my friends had already chosen their trips, and I was feeling defeated. Slowly, I began to realize that I was being selfish. I wanted to go on a mission trip because I loved missions. I wasn’t serving God, or even considering him in the matter. So, I started to pray seriously. Suddenly, I felt reassured that I was called to missions, but God didn’t want me to do it for my own personal enjoyment. He wanted me to serve Him and love Him through His people. This meant more than going on a mission trip. This meant diving in, getting my hands dirty, stepping outside of my comfort zone.
My friends and I all chose different trips. God was calling us to
different locations for several reasons. Firstly, he led each of us to a
country that excited us and filled a passion within us. Secondly, He
wanted us to get outside of our comfort zones. It was too easy for us to
go together. Although we share the passion, it was necessary for God to
lead us separately.
Wondering what God had in store for me, I came back to AIM. I looked around again, and discovered something that I had missed before. They had a trip to Bolivia! God opened all the doors, and it was clear that He was leading me to the little country that had first caught my eye on the blow-up globe.
I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and to feel God’s calling. Mission has truly changed my life -I can’t wait to get my hands dirty!