I suppose I can’t say that there is a specific reason that I felt called
to go on this mission trip. I was having a rough winter and I was in
class one day when my history teacher did a short blurb on the Panama
Canal. My older sister went on a mission trip to Panama when she was
just a little bit older than me and I was reminded of this during class
(and therefore did not pay anymore attention to the lecture). It was
right then that I felt this complete passion to go on an international
long (ish) term mission trip. I couldn’t get my mind off of it the rest
of the day and I was counting down the minutes till I could go back to
my dorm room and call my mom and tell her about this idea. I must say
that my sister is probably my inspiration. She’s gone on two mission
international missions trips (Panama and Botswana) and a study abroad in
Uganda. I knew that if she could raise the money to go on mission trips
and have life changing experiences–I could too. I’ve gone on only 1
mission trip before to Philadelphia for a week and it was a great
experience, but afterwards I didn’t crave more (and that might have been
because of my age). Now I feel ready to take on this mission trip and
use the passion that God has placed in my heart to serve.