Hey there!
Wow, I can't believe we're only a few weeks out from meeting and embarking on our exciting adventure! I'm so stoked 😀 I was reading today about unity in our Compass assignment, and building our unity before we even meet. To me, that seemed like a challenging idea because, personally, the computer and text doesn't do much for me remembering people. So guaranteed, I won't be able to put your face to your name when we first meet. Hopefully, at the very least, I might recognize you. And that's a big might…But I believe the personal-ness will come upon meeting each of you, and right now, I still feel our team unity growing. Maybe not as individuals in my mind, but as one team preparing to change hearts in Bolivia. After reading each new post, I get a fresh wave of excitement knowing that not too long from now I will know everyone in person, and together, God is going to use us to do and witness incredible things. I have been praying for us as a team and individuals (tho not by name, cuz like I said, I'm more of a physical, not cyber sort of peson haha) and I pray that He guide us in all of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation. that we can leave home without any burdens tying us down and holding us back from the journey set before us. that we can grow to be one, in mind and spirit. that we can set our pesonal expectations aside and let God awe us with his mystery and glory. that within our group we find peace and love and let it radiate to everyone we come in contact with, starting in the Atlanta airport. I pray that we open ourselves to eachother, and to God that He may use us in whatever way He wants. Amen.